Rhododendron diversipilosum 'Milky Way' (formally tomentosum)

Rhododendron diversipilosum 'Milky Way' (formally tomentosum)
Price: $33.75
Size: 5-6 inch
Growth Habit: dwarf (3 x 3 feet)
USDA Zone: 4a
Exposure: filtered to full sun
Growing Conditions: moist, well-drained soils
Color Category: white
Bloom Time: April
Comments: Rounded trusses appear in April and may contain up to 20 individual saucer-shaped flowers. Dark green leaves have woolly indumentum on the back. Has been found to tolerate cold, with some reports of it doing well in zone 3 as well as poorer drained soils. This superior clone was selected by Steve Hootman, Executive Director and Curator of the Rhododendron Species Foundation and Botanical Garden in Federal Way, Washington.